CRIME Fwd: Your account is On Hold.

From: Rich Rohrich (Rich_Rohrich@private)
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 07:56:28 PDT

  • Next message: Arthur Strutzenberg: "RE: CRIME Fwd: Your account is On Hold."

    Hey check out this email I received in my mail last night.  Unfortunately I'm sure there are people who are gullible enough to fill out this information.  Its like an identity theft kit!
    Rich Rohrich
    PGE IT Security

    attached mail follows:

    c2it by Citibank
    HOME    HELP      
    Dear c2itsm Customer, 

    c2itsm is currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and placed on Hold status. Protecting the security of your c2itsm account is our primary concern, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    To restore your account to its regular status, you must confirm your email address by logging in to your c2itsm account using the form:

    Your account is on Hold.

    *Indicates required information.

    Email address:*
    Password:* Forgot password?
      The following information must be verified:
    Card Number:* Your registered credit/debit card.
    Expiration Date:*  
    Security Code:* The Security Code is the last three digits on the signature panel of your credit card. Click here for a diagram.
    Date of Birth:*
    Social Security Number:*
    Mother Maiden name:*

    What Happens Next?
    When you click "Next" your account will be verified and you'll be taken to a Home Page where you can look over your account information to make sure it's accurate.


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