CRIME repsonse from b of a on fraud email

From: Marc Schuette (mschuette@private)
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 14:59:26 PDT

  • Next message: Kuo, Jimmy: "RE: CRIME Re: Approved (Ref: 3394-65467)"

    forwarded my 'bank of america' id theft kit email to webmaster@ and got 
    the following response - seems like someone may be in trouble...
    Dear Sir,
    Thank you for writing about the e-mail you received that appeared to be
    from Bank of America.
    The e-mail was not legitimate. It was part of a fraudulent scheme to
    illegally acquire your personal financial information. Authorities shut
    down the fraudulent site within 2.5 hours of its launch. We are working
    with the Secret Service to prosecute those responsible.
    Bank of America does not contact customers to request or verify security
    information about passcodes, PINs or other sensitive details. Bank of
    America systems were not compromised in this scam.
    ) 2003 Bank of America Corporation
    All rights reserved

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