Re: CRIME Interesting way around spam filter

From: Gary Warner (gar@private)
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 03:49:18 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 6/05/03"

    the one we're having troubles with is having an email that ONLY
    <a href="http://#######/"><img src="http://#######/zzzzzzz.jpg"></A>
    # = IP address converted to hex and 
    z = randomly assigned letters
    on my mail, I have "don't view pictures" and "don't allow cookies" and
    "don't allow java", but a bunch of my users both have and LIKE to have
    .html newsletters with pictures show up.  Sometimes its totally stripped
    html like this, and other times its got some additional header info, but
    the image it displays contains all of the text and pictures as a single

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