RE: CRIME Privacy Vs Security

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 16:08:25 PDT

  • Next message: Christiansen, John (SEA): "RE: CRIME Privacy Vs Security"

    OTOH, people must also realize the difference between rights and privileges.
    For instance, the veiled lady in FL (driver's license picture).  Driving is
    a privilege, and thus if a person wishes to exercise one's "right", the
    government can also exercise its decision not to give you the "privilege."
    This is to say that while we all have these basic rights, there's still
    ample room for things like a Registered Traveler registry for people who
    wish to get through lines faster, and the like.
    Rights give you the ability to take your gun into the back woods of Oregon
    and live there.  But living in a city will find you much more in contact
    with others, and getting you closer to the line of meeting someone else's
    And now to bring us back to topic about internet security.  Is it a right or
    a privilege to drive on the Information SuperHighway?  I tend to view it
    more as a privilege.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dorning, Kevin E - DI-3 [mailto:kedorning@private]
    Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 7:27 AM
    To: 'Shaun Savage'; CRIME
    Subject: RE: CRIME Privacy Vs Security
    The whole purpose of providing security is to protect privacy whether it be
    of the corporation or the individual.  In business we declare the limits to
    privacy clearly when we provide access to our business systems.
    Otherwise, personal privacy overrides.   It is our challenge and actually
    part of the "fun" of being a security agent, to try to outguess the
    opposition.  We provide protection, and gather intelligence as best we can,
    and so far it seems that we have done a pretty good job.  I fear the
    government that reaches to far into the personal privacy of it's citizens.
    And this is from one who knows the benefits, from the security management
    side, of having a long reach.  This is an area where we need to exercise
    great care, and err on the side of privacy.  We need to protect privacy and
    all the other freedoms given by the Constitution.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Shaun Savage [mailto:savages@private]
    Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 2:16 PM
    To: CRIME
    Subject: CRIME Privacy Vs Security
    Senator Wyden fights for privacy!
    The question I ask the group is "At what point does security out weigh 
    the privacy and freedoms that America should offer?"

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