Re: CRIME Nasty scam?

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 19:04:18 PDT

Christiansen, John (SEA) wrote:

>I just got this v. suspicious message. My assumption is that were I to click
>on the link bad things would happen and my IT department would hate me (and
>I would hate myself), but I am curious. I have edited the link to make it
No big deal. That is just dire-sounding hype in an ordinary spam 
intended to sell web surfing anonymizing software, of dubious quality. 
It is targeting the lay-abouts who like to surf pr0n and gamble on 
company computers & time.

Other than the usual risks of unrestricted web surfing, I see no 
particular security threat here.


Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
Chief Scientist, Immunix

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