From: Jim Wood (jwood@private)
Date: Mon Aug 11 2003 - 14:08:39 PDT

  • Next message: Jim Wood: "CRIME more info"

    We are seeing several customers equipment with a security hole that has
    been exploited
    Details are at the following on the hole:
    Customers that have been exploited get a window on their computer when
    connected to the internet that says the computer will be shut down in 1
    minute, then the countdown begins.  It is due to a failure in the RPC
    This exploit makes it so the user cannot access the internet, when they
    try it repeats itself every time
    If you have any information on fixes, cases, or further damage please
    email me immediately.
    Jim Wood
    MW Technology Group Inc
    DBA:  Zebra Computer Repair & Networking
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