RE: CRIME SecureWorld Seattle September 24 & 25

From: Andrew Plato (aplato@private)
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 18:02:57 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "CRIME Electronic Voting Security"

    Yes, this year's show is looking pretty good. I'm kind bummed that I
    procrastinated and didn't get a booth for Anitian. I am going to be
    there helping out some of our partners (Symantec, eEye, and Frontbridge
    I must admit, IPS panel has me scratching my head. There is no
    representation from Top Layer, ISS, or Intruvert all of whom have very
    established products in the IPS/IDS space. NFR doesn't even have an
    in-line IPS. And correct me if I am wrong Crispin, but Immunix doesn't
    even DO IDS or IPS. And what about me! I've been doing IPS installations
    longer than anybody and I wasn't even invited. :-( 
    My hurt (huge) ego aside, it should be interesting to hear the spin
    people give on this topic. Seems like everybody has an opinion on
    IPS/IDS these days.
    Everybody should go and harass Crispin and Zot on the hacking panel! 
    Andrew Plato, CISSP
    President/Principal Consultant
    Anitian Enterprise Security 
    503-644-5656 Office
    503-644-8574 Fax
    503-201-0821 Mobile
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Crispin Cowan [mailto:crispin@private] 
    > Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 10:12 AM
    > To: crime@private
    > Subject: CRIME SecureWorld Seattle September 24 & 25
    > There is a trade show in Seattle September 24 & 25 called SecureWorld 
    > <>. I'm on two 
    > panels, and 
    > Zot is moderating one of them. SecureWorld has offered a $45 discount 
    > off the $95 conference fee to CRIME members. Use discount 
    > code CRM113 to 
    > get the discount. Immunix will also have a trade show booth there 
    > pimping our secure OS and server appliance products. We hope 
    > to see you 
    > there.
    > Crispin
    > -- 
    > Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
    > Chief Scientist, Immunix

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