RE: CRIME [Fwd: [Politech] Does Justice Department prosecute denial ofservice attacks?]

From: Jeff Bryner (jbryner1@private)
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 19:35:15 PDT

  • Next message: Microsoft: "CRIME [VIRUS] Use this patch immediately !"

    <At a guess, I would think that the law suit would cost more than $25K,
    so it's not worth it.>
    They've already spent money to gather the evidence and catch the guy, so
    what's left; a lawyer? They don't make that much do they on one court case?
    <If someone broke into your home, stole your TV and laptop, smashed up
    some windows, and the cops thought the material loss wasn't enough to
    prosecute, would you be happy with "so sue 'em"?>
    No, but I would still do it if it was the only recourse. I'd bet my
    insurance company would join in as well with the idea of a settlement along
    the way.
    I'm still interested to know from any legal-types lurking on the list what
    other barriers prohibit someone in a case like this where they've got the
    crime, evidence and have found the perpetrator from a law suit in civil
    court for damages?

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