Re: CRIME [Fwd: [Politech] Does Justice Department prosecute denial ofservice attacks?]

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 11:39:40 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "RE: CRIME FW: @Stake pulls pin on Geer: Effect on research and publication (fwd)"

    jbryner1 wrote:
    >But, what's to stop the victim ISP from suing the 17year old/his parents for
    >damages under 25k in a civil case?
    At a guess, I would think that the law suit would cost more than $25K, 
    so it's not worth it.
    If someone broke into your home, stole your TV and laptop, smashed up 
    some windows, and the cops thought the material loss wasn't enough to 
    prosecute, would you be happy with "so sue 'em"?
    >----Vastly-Snipped Original Message-----
    ><I thought this was interesting.  The attitude seems to be that they are
    >unwilling to prosecute unless it can be used to enhance careers or
    >someone with money and/or influence was involved.>
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
    Chief Scientist, Immunix

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