Re: CRIME FW: @Stake pulls pin on Geer: Effect on research and pu blication (fwd)

From: John McHugh (jmchugh@private)
Date: Tue Oct 07 2003 - 09:26:39 PDT

  • Next message: Zot O'Connor: "Re: CRIME FW: @Stake pulls pin on Geer: Effect on research and pu blication (fwd)"

    I think Andrew misses the point of the Geer, et. al. paper.  The fact 
    that many sites can limit the damage caused by an exploit through the 
    use of third party solutions and/or good hygiene does not really solve 
    the problem.  As long as there are a sufficient number of vulnerable 
    targets, even the minority that protect themselves will be subject to 
    various forms of collateral damage.  We have seen the huge volume of 
    traffic generated by several worms do transient damage to the routing 
    infrastructure.  We have seen overall slowdowns of performance due to 
    excessive worm and virus traffic.  Even though it is possible for 
    clueful people to limit damage to their own sites, there is evidence 
    that many sites do not and the fact that these sites largely represent 
    a monoculture makes them an attractive target for worm and virus 
    For a possible approach that preserves the M**t functionality that we 
    all love (or hate) you might take a look at the current BAA 03-44 
    (research announcement) from DARPA.
    Among other things, this seeks ways to create large numbers of variants 
    of functionally equivalent programs.  Suppose that there were 1000 
    different versions of, say, IIS, each requiring a different buffer 
    overflow exploit, but appearing identical in function and performance 
    to the user.  Now, the developer of a new exploit must develop the 1000 
    variations and launch them simultaneously.  In addition, each variant 
    will have a 1000 times more difficult task in propagating.  As an 
    admitted side effect, it is possible that an exploit that fails to 
    match its target may nonetheless cause the target to crash, but the 
    limitation of propagation potential may reduce the overall damage 
    potential of the exploit.
    John McHugh

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