Re: CRIME FW: @Stake pulls pin on Geer: Effect on research and pu blication (fwd)

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Tue Oct 07 2003 - 12:31:41 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME FW: @Stake pulls pin on Geer: Effect on research and pu blication (fwd)"

    Zot O'Connor wrote:
    >On Tue, 2003-10-07 at 09:26, John McHugh wrote:
    >>Among other things, this seeks ways to create large numbers of variants 
    >>of functionally equivalent programs.  Suppose that there were 1000 
    >>different versions of, say, IIS, each requiring a different buffer 
    >>overflow exploit, but appearing identical in function and performance 
    >>to the user.  Now, the developer of a new exploit must develop the 1000 
    >>variations and launch them simultaneously.  In addition, each variant 
    >>will have a 1000 times more difficult task in propagating.
    >I have often wondered about this approach.  It is sort like the canary
    >from StackGuard (CFIAPM) combined with the "roll your own" philosophy of
    >some Linux folks.  By placing randomness throughout the build process
    >you might mitigate the impact of the overflows, though I am not sure to
    >what extent the randomness would have to be.  While shifting code around
    >would disturb the pattern, it is unlikely to remove the overflow.
    This paper is my general view on the relative effectiveness of 
    randomization for diversity's sake:
        "The Cracker Patch Choice: An Analysis of Post Hoc Security
        Techniques".  Crispin Cowan, Heather Hinton, Calton Pu, and Jonathan
        Walpole.  Presented at the National Information Systems Security
        Conference (NISSC) <>, Baltimore MD,
        October 16-19 2000. PDF
    Basically, I spent 4 years trying to make the randomization effect work 
    for intrusion prevention, and in every case I found a more adroit hack 
    that worked better. This is where the Immunix tool suite came from.
    You can also read about it in this bugtraq thread
    On the other hand, here is a surprisingly effective instance of address 
    space randomization, presented this week at the SRDS 
    <> conference:
        Jun Xu, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk and Ravishankar K. Iyer. Transparent
        Runtime Randomization for Security.
        <> To
        appear in /Proc. of 22nd Symposium on Reliable and Distributed
        Systems (SRDS)/, Florence, Italy, October 6-8, 2003.
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
    Chief Scientist, Immunix

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