CRIME Hacker Ware Game

From: Zot O'Connor (zot@private)
Date: Tue Oct 07 2003 - 21:54:42 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME FW: @Stake pulls pin on Geer: Effect on research and pu blication (fwd)"
    Dear hacker,
            Hi, I'm "Cobras", or John A. Klein as they call me at my
    "respectable" job, where I'm a professional hacker.  I'm the technical
    manager of the Hacker Wargame Research Project, and this site is  the
    recruitment area for it.  Kick back and read for a bit to see if our
    project interests you and if you're qualified.  If so, you can get paid
    to hack!
            The wargame is a specially designed internet connected network
    running Microsoft Windows® 2000 Servers with  IIS, Exchange and MS-SQL. 
    Each participant (that's you) will have to complete 3 specific hacking
    goals on these Microsoft based servers, so you gotta know how to hack a
    'doze box to play our little game.  We will be studying how you complete
    the goals for our "cognitive research" which is the study of how people
    Zot O'Connor

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Oct 07 2003 - 23:06:42 PDT