Re: CRIME FW: @Stake pulls pin on Geer: Effect on research and pu blication (fwd)

From: Duane Nickull (duane@private)
Date: Tue Oct 07 2003 - 21:33:56 PDT

  • Next message: Zot O'Connor: "CRIME Hacker Ware Game"

    Sounds logical.
    I have been involved with enterprise architectures over the last 10 
    years and have learned ( and am still learning every day) important 
    lessons when designing systems.  Architects usually make the mistake of 
    thinking of what their architecture will do in terms of what theyt want 
    it to do.  IMHO - It is imperative to start thinking more in terms of 
    "how can someone use this infrastructure to do something other than what 
    it was intended for".  Web servicees are a prime example of this 
    stupidity run amock.  The notion that mission critical interfaces will 
    be presented for any user to have access to is simply a very bad 
    security hole begging to be abused.  Luckily, most tier ones have 
    realized this.  Security for Service oriented architectures is in its' 
    I agree that watching for other relevant events is important - such as 
    the ones you have noted.  Monitoring processes, UDP activity, heap/stack 
    usage, TCP/IP traffic etc are all important to note when things are not 
    as they should be.
    My point about string matching is aimed more at the notion that 
    signature detection alone will be sufficient to detect viruses.  I 
    realize that much more sophistication is already inherent in many 
    products. As you also noted, the world does need to get beyond the AV = 
    string match.  Anti spam software is a prime exampel of this.  The AS 
    guys write new algorythms to detect spam via telltale strings, the spam 
    guys simply modify their spam until it passes.  I saw an interview on 
    CNN where a spammer said it usually takes about 4 hours to thwart new AS 
    Yellow Dragon Software -
    Web Services & ebXML Messaging / Registry Downloads
    UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture/ ebXMl Technical Architecture 
    Phone:   +1 (604) 738-1051 - Canada: Pacific Standard Time
    Direct:  +1 (604) 726-3329 

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