Re: CRIME Microsoft in the AV business?

From: Alan (alan@private)
Date: Sun Oct 12 2003 - 18:27:03 PDT

  • Next message: Carter Ames: "CRIME ADMININSTRATOR:"

    On Sun, 2003-10-12 at 07:08, Carter Ames wrote:
    > I expect Microsoft to step up to the plate and manage
    > my expectations about their product, and make them
    > better as time goes along.  Granted, we are typically
    > fighting things after they happen, but there's got to
    > be a way to create a distributed application that runs
    > random strings into open ports to test products. - 
    > Take the concept.  Instead of looking
    > for intelligence elsewhere in our solar system, how
    > about trying to look for it here on earth?  (Please,
    > no offense to Seti, I love it)
    There are a number of programs that do this.  (As Crispin pointed out.) 
    The problem is usually not at the connect part of the protocol however,
    but deeper in the negotiation and/or communication phase.  To do a
    proper test, you have to have a version of the protocol and throw
    garbage at every possible part of the transaction, not just the front
    If you are going to egg a house, you don't just hit one side of it.
             alan at - alan at 
        " and artificial treasons have been the great
        engines by which violent factions, the natural offspring of
        free government, have usually wreaked their alternate
        malignity on each other...."
                      - James Madison in The Federalist No. 43,

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