Re: CRIME Wiretapping WiFi

From: Alan (alan@private)
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 14:15:30 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: NYS OCSCIC-Cyber Advisory: Microsoft Windows RPC DCOMVulnerability"
  • Next message: Brian Varine: "Re: [Re: CRIME Wiretapping WiFi]"

    On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 14:55, Todd Ellner wrote:
    > >The law is what they can get away with. Since monitoring of a
    > wireless
    > >network is passive, how can you prove that they listened in? (Since
    > >courts can now accept spectral evidence in cases of "national
    > security"
    > >(especially when monitoring foreign nationals), you would never see
    > what
    > >they held against you.)
    > We must note, also, that the definitions of "terrorism" and "national
    > security"
    > as used by the Justice Department now include small scale drug
    > trafficking,
    > simple fraud, and money laundering.
    "Terrorism" and "National Security" are both slippery terms without exact definition.
    "Terrorist" seems to be "anyone doing anything I don't like".
    "National Security" seems to be "anything that keeps me in power".
    What is the technical term for "rule by excuse"?
             alan at - alan at 
        " and artificial treasons have been the great
        engines by which violent factions, the natural offspring of
        free government, have usually wreaked their alternate
        malignity on each other...."
                      - James Madison in The Federalist No. 43,

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