Re: CRIME NAI to Ramp Up Intrusion Protection Products

From: Scott Urbatsch (surbatsch@private)
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 16:06:52 PDT

  • Next message: Microsoft: "CRIME [VIRUS] Use this patch immediately !"

    NAI purchased Entercept about 9 months ago.  Entercept was the
    Host-based intrusion prevention system Cisco used to OEM before NAI
    bought Entercept, and they then purchased Okena.  This is their current
    intrusion prevention system.
    Been testing out Cisco Security Agent (Okena) stuff recently, and it
    seems to work fairly well.  Hopefully the McAfee Intusion Prevention
    stuff will be available for testing and deploying soon.  Supposedly you
    will be able to manage from their ePo console.
    >>> Crispin Cowan <crispin@private> 10/21/2003 1:35:14 PM >>>
    Jimmy, is this the emerging NAI intrusion prevention product you
    to earlier?,,1356764,00.asp
    It looks like a nice product. But then again, I'm an advocate of host 
    intrusion prevention. However, this approach (containment-based 
    intrusion prevention on the desktop) has been tried before: Aladdin 
    eSafe was a product back in 1998 that did containment of applications
    the desktop. Aladdin seems to have quietly faded that product away, and
    then effectively made it hard to search for by naming a completely 
    different product "eSafe" :)
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D. 
    Chief Scientist, Immunix

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