Re: CRIME Forensic problem

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 10:31:14 PST

  • Next message: Alan: "Re: CRIME Forensic problem"

    On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 07:40:56AM -0800, Shaun Savage wrote:
    > It runs a debian Linux now.I have tried to load my redhat 9 forensic CD 
    > but, it sees the sym53c8xx and cpqarray but then then it fails video.
    "Fails video"? Hopefully, vesa framebuffer or plain VGA console work..
    If not, perhaps you can configure a serial console to work on the
    Best of luck; those proliants can be frustrating machines. :(
    "Sniff you jerks later." -- Captain Murphy

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