Re: CRIME Multiple breakins, but can't figure out how

From: Alan (alan@private)
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 22:42:03 PST

  • Next message: A.J. Weinzettel: "Re: CRIME Multiple breakins, but can't figure out how"

    On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 12:19, A.J. Weinzettel wrote:
    > I have had multiple breakins somehow using different versions of RedHat
    > (7.1,7.3,&8.0).  This started last week on the 7.1 and 7.3 boxes.  I
    > have been keeping up on all the latest patches for Apache, Sendmail,
    > SSH, MySQL.  So, I noticed the breakins and noticed a directory called
    > /dev/rd/cdb.  In this directory there is a run.tgz and it is expanded in
    > to a directory.  This is the contents:
    Find a trusted version of find and look for a copy of .bash_history
    where it does not belong.  (Like /var.)
    Are you running iptables or ipchains? What is visible from outside.  A
    friend had a server broken into through MySQL.  (It was visible to the
    outside world.)
    Have you checked to see what is actually visible to the outside with
    Also, I do not understand why you went to Redhat 8.0 as opposed to
    Redhat 9 or Fedora 1.  The unicode implementation in 8.0 is uneven and
    incomplete.  (I am expecting more unicode exploits as unix moves to
    using it.)
    "Society will bear responsibility for this, We put the men of religion
    above fault, and made them unaccountable. We gave them special privilege
    -- and this is the result." 
                                  - Hussein Nasser in The Arab News

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