CRIME Remote User System Validation

From: Buelna, Derek (derek.buelna@private)
Date: Thu Mar 04 2004 - 17:21:24 PST

  • Next message: Joe St Sauver: "Re: CRIME Remote User System Validation"

    I would like start a discussion in reference to the validation of remote users anti-virus DAT files, patch levels, installed software and so on. My understanding is that the technology associated with doing this type of thing is in it's infancy. Cisco is working on their admission control, Microsoft has their Quarantine server along with 2003 IAS, Zone Labs has a product and I've heard some talk of SSL based VPNs implementing some of this functionality but none of these really meet my needs. I suppose the Zone Labs product would work if it didn't constantly crash machines!
    The Quarantine thing pretty looks good except many of us are concerned with the security of an MS VPN solution and we've got non-Windows machines that need to connect. I assume that a bolt-on solution would be much more attractive for most of us.
    Your opinions, thoughts, advice, etc. would be very much appreciated!
    Derek A. Buelna, CISSP, CCIE
    Information Security
    XEROX Office Group
    > Any ideas or opinions expressed above do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

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