RE: CRIME Remote User System Validation

From: Jason Chan (jchan@private)
Date: Fri Mar 05 2004 - 16:40:43 PST

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "RE: CRIME Remote User System Validation"

    The biggest issue with most remote user validation designs revolves
    around trust - with quarantine-type scenarios, you are relying on the
    client to tell you it's running a valid configuration. For example,
    Microsoft's Quarantine feature centers around a client-executed script
    that verifies config settings (e.g. DAT files, patch levels - it's
    pretty customizable).
    Of course, this idea of trusting the data source is an issue in many
    client-side attempts at security (think JavaScript input validation).
    Also, I don't think this problem is as easily solvable because you can't
    rely on traditional tools like PKI and certs to prove client integrity,
    since an attacker could have complete control of the client that is
    being validated (and any private keys could have been compromised).
    So, I generally see these tools as being able to verify the
    configuration of a friendly (uncompromised) client. This alone solves
    many problems associated with remote access security. However, these
    solutions fail to address the problem of compromised systems remotely
    accessing the network. Thus, the problem of rampant and automated
    malicious code (e.g. worms, Blaster, virii) entering the network via
    remote access is mostly addressed, but the issue of a directed attacker
    (with compromised credentials/system) entering your network (to steal
    IP, further ransack systems, etc.) is not solved (not that this is a
    trivial problem).
    Plus, the problems of platform compatibility and unmanaged clients
    raised by Derek and Joe are still issues. 

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