on subscribing mailists to CRIME and other sundry mail issues

From: Mark Morrissey (markem@private)
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 10:21:25 PDT

  • Next message: alan: "Re: on subscribing mailists to CRIME and other sundry mail issues"

    Just a note from your friendly list owner.
    We have had, over time, many mail lists subscribed to CRIME. There is
    nothing wrong with this in my opinion. However, some list owners do not
    ensure that dead accounts and such that are part of their list are removed
    in a timely fashion. The result is that I get inundated with error
    messages that are generated from those subscribed lists.
    Just so that everyone knows, it is my policy NOT to track down the owner
    of lists that are subscribed to the CRIME list and attempt to get them to
    correct problems in their list membership. Instead, once the subscribed
    list becomes a nagging source of problems, I unsubscribe the entire list.
    The definition is "nagging source of problems" is left fuzzy, but I try to
    be fair.
    This is a relatively infrequent problem, but is occurring now, so I
    thought that I'd let the group know so that those who may be affected can
    be aware if suddenly their supply of CRIME email is cut off.
    Also, several people have been bitten by the "my mail address has changed
    very slightly" problem. CRIME is a closed list, so if you are not posting
    from a subscribed address, your message will be bounced. I don't check
    bounced messages often as they are dominantly spam (about 6-10 per day at
    present are making it through the commercial spam filter that PSU uses).
    So if your address changes, even "very slightly", let me know so that I
    can unsub the old address and then you will need to resub to CRIME from
    your new address.
    Mark Morrissey			markem@private
    Lecturer in Computer Science    www.cs.pdx.edu/~markem

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