RE: CRIME Surreptitious software

From: John Stone (jstone@private)
Date: Sat May 15 2004 - 08:52:17 PDT

  • Next message: Rob Magee: "Re: CRIME Surreptitious software"

    Due to recent regulations and various legal decisions many companies have 
    interpreted rightly or wrongly that they can be legally held liable if 
    their systems were utilized for illegal purposes that resulted in harm to 
    a specific individual or group of individuals. Their fear is as with many 
    areas of law, ignorance is not necessarily a valid legal argument. Most 
    companies are not implementing these technologies to validate that their 
    systems are utilized only for company business (although some certainly 
    are doing so for this purpose) but instead are implementing this 
    technology to miitigate security risk$. By showing that they are 
    monitoring for this activity they hope to show that they are taking 
    appropriate steps to assure their systems are not used improperly. These 
    efforts have accelerated with the implementation of SOX as the executives 
    themselves are finding they can be held liable individually for the 
    security of their systems. The use of systems for illegal actions is seen 
    as a security issue and this technology as a viable and appropriate 
    response to mitigate the associated risk$.
    Personally I do not expect privacy when utilizing company equipment for 
    personal business. I instead appreciate the fact that my organization 
    understands that a limited utilization of company resources for personal 
    business is normal and thank them for allowing me to do so. If I require a 
    level of privacy I utilize my own equipment at my own costs. 
    Now as for the security issues this might raise one can only hope that the 
    network team has put in place the proper security precautions to safeguard 
    the information discovered. Not to protect the privacy of the individual, 
    althogh that should be a consideration, but instead to safeguard the 
    assets of the company that could be compromised if information such as 
    passwords were left vulnerable.
    Finally this definitely should be discussed with the network team as I saw 
    nothing in the discussion indicating such a discussion had already taken 
    place. What if it wasn't the network team that attempted the installation?
    John Stone
    Consulting Manager
    Symantec Security Services
    (541) 335-5641
    "Forensic Computer Service, Inc." <sales@private> 
    Sent by: owner-crime@private
    04/30/2004 12:58 PM
    "Rob Magee" <robmagee100@private>, <crime@private>
    RE: CRIME Surreptitious software
    First let me state that I am not an attorney, so this should not be taken 
    legal advice.
    In the business arena my experience has been it is lawful to install
    whatever one wants on equipment providing the company owns it, with the 
    acceptable provision being that it may not invade personal privacy.  Video
    cameras, for example, can be installed to monitor employees but are not
    permissable in bathrooms, or other places where people have a "reasonable
    expectation of privacy".
    Some companies/organizations explicitly state in their policy manuals that
    such monitoring/recording may be done by the company.
    I'm sure there are those that will disagree with me that in Missouri we
    monitored (in another life of mine) and recorded, without any previous
    warning, calls made by the sales department.  Our counsel approved this
    because no employee has any reasonable expectation of privacy while using 
    phone system and phone lines owned by the company.
    From your Email I see you are with a government agency.  I would hope they
    have published policies on installing and using spyware on employees, but 
    certainly don't know what's permissable and what's not in Federal, State 
    local government operations.
    While I personally find what you said they did below offensive, in the
    private business world I see this alot and it's based on the premise that
    the employee is using a company owned computer to perform his/her job
    functions on company time and getting paid for it.
    I would consider taking the facts and the hard evidence, up the
    chain-of-command (in writing of course) and either it will be stopped and
    someone gets in trouble, or, you will get told it's policy.  Either way 
    force the issue to get resolved not just for your benefit but for everyone
    else who works there.
    G. Chatten
    -----Original Message-----
    From: owner-crime@private [mailto:owner-crime@private]On Behalf Of
    Rob Magee
    Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 1:36 PM
    To: crime@private
    Subject: CRIME Surreptitious software
    Yesterday, the network team botched a silent install of Resource Monitor
    ( on my computer when I logged in. I noticed it when I
    had to reboot after the install conflicted with MS's handwriting and 
    module for Office and crashed.
    This software is aimed at monitoring staff application use, but goes a 
    further by adding screenshot capture and keylogging.
    My question is, is it legal to have silently installed keylogging 
    even though that feature may not be enabled? My understanding is that
    keylogging is the digital equivalent of wiretapping, but I need some
    Thanks all.
    You can respond to me at:
    Rob Magee
    Outreach Helpdesk Team
    Oregon Department of Education
    (503) 378-3600 ext. 4495
    robmagee100@private <mailto:robmagee100@private>

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