CRIME Legal Research Articles

From: Forensic Computer Service, Inc. (sales@private)
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 16:02:48 PDT

  • Next message: John Stone: "RE: CRIME Surreptitious software"

    I have enough information related to court cases upholding the
    search/seizure of computers, as well as the methods used to acquire,
    analyize and prove.
    I'm needing some cases where data evidence was thrown out due to the way it
    was obtained and/or examined, etc. in putting together some examples for a
    group of corporate executives.  Unfortunately I'm not finding many sources
    and I'm sure there have been cases where such evidence was disallowed.
    If you have any links/references (criminal or civil) please let me know.
    G. Chatten
    Forensic Computer Service, Inc.

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