I had a real experience with Bank of America. I was manager pro tem of a billing call center for a large ISP which will go un-named. One of the agents got a call regarding an employee that was based in another state, that I happened to overhear. This was regarding 3 credits of odd amounts near a thousand dollars each over one weekend from the ISP account to a private bank card. This had nothing to do with customer billing issues, it had to do with corporate accounts after money was collected. I then had a surreal conversation with the fraud investigator. I launched an investigation, and found out that an employee that had been moved under me for one week (reorg) had been systematically embezzling funds. However, the B of A fraud unit was extremely careful in the amount of info they would release to us. It crossed between our records and private financial records. So your description rings true. Their job was to point out something that looked fishy, then it was up to us to do the research. I wound up firing the employee. Robert On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Michael Rasmussen wrote: > > FWIW story: I recently received a call from the real VISA > fraud department. The way they work is to ask you to confirm > or deny a group of charges against your card. That's all. > You get a list of date, charge source and amount. At the end you > press a phone button to indicate whether or not you made the > charges. They don't ask for any identifing information. > > I don't know what happens if you press 0 to speak with a real > person or if you indicate that one or more of the charges are > false. > >
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