Re: forensics at usenix

From: Steve Romig (romigat_private-STATE.EDU)
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 00:21:10 PDT

  • Next message: Brown, Matthew: "Bit Level Forensics Examinations - Fact or Fiction"

    On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 10:25:55AM +0500, Doug Elznic wrote:
    > Is anyone here going to be attending eithher of the forensics lectures
    > at usenix? And if so which ones? It looks like the one on wednesday is
    > more hands on than the one on tuesday...
    Yes, I'll be at both :-)
    Hands-on isn't the correct word to use - neither of the tutorials has
    any hands-on aspect to it - far too much to cover, too little time,
    too many people (I presume), no facilities for it, etc.  The first day
    is best considered an introduction to the terminology, principles,
    procedures, tools, concepts and etc; the second day builds on this
    (with what I hope will be a brief overview for those who only attend
    the second day) and goes into more detail about what you can
    specifically recover from various systems for various reasons and what
    you can do with it and how you can relate the pieces to each other.
    Examples from various investigations that I've participated in are
    thrown in liberally.
    I believe that at least some of the forensics tutorials at sansfire
    are hands on, and the outlines looked quite good.  Not that I wouldn't
    want to see people at my tutorial at Usenix, but if you're looking for
    --- Steve

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