Removing hard drive from Hitachi Sub-notebook

From: Peter Garza (pgarzaat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 15:25:13 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Garza: "Contact at Philippine NBI"

    Hello All:
    Has anyone had the "opportunity" to take apart a Hitachi model 3745
    sub-notebook to get at the internal hard disk drive?  It is a Visionbook
    Traveler 3000 series.  It is not obvious were to pull, pry, unscrew or
    otherwise disassemble the unit to remove the hard drive.
    Normally there are hard drive upgrade instructions on manufacturer's web
    sites or user manuals.  No luck in this instance.  We contacted Hitachi and
    it took several days to finally be told they release their maintenance
    instructions only to authorized service centers.  When we first called we
    had been told for several days that they could not refer us to tech support
    because the maintenance computer system was down so this has been an
    exercise in tech-support futility.  We did locate a Southern California
    authorized service center that claims to be able to take the system apart
    for us, but I'm hoping someone can save me the trouble because I'm not
    convinced they have ever seen this particular model.
    Peter Garza
    Evidentdata, Inc.
    10621 Church Street, Suite 104
    Rancho Cucamonga, CA  91730
    Tel:	909.948.7714
    FAX:	909.948.4365
    Pager:	888.489.9794
    Mobile:	909.994.3487
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