RE: wipe utilities

From: Robbins, Rick (robbinsrat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 06:31:49 PDT

  • Next message: James Holley: "RE: Where are greater risks?"

    WipeInfo(Norton Utilities), BCWipe, NTWipe (, Disk K.O.
    all wonderfull programs...  WipeInfo & BCWipe Primarily wipe FREE SPACE, and
    does not totally clear the hard drive...
    Rick Robbins
    AIS Security Technician
    Phone: 565-5034  Fax: 755-0329
    Pager: 708-0916  Pager: 888-601-2995
    E-mail: mailto:Robbinsrat_private
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John.Curranat_private [mailto:John.Curranat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 10:26 AM
    To: WELCHDat_private; forensicsat_private
    Subject: RE: wipe utilities
    >I am looking to draft a corporate policy requiring all hard drives to be
    wiped before 
    >being decommissioned, sold, donated, etc. 
    I looked into this area some time ago for a similar reason and at the time
    several utilities such as Norton Utils included a diskwipe utility which
    would wipe to what was at the time the US DoD standard (for unclassified
    material). This consisted of a number of "wipes", the first of which
    "inverted" the disk (writing over ones with zeros and vice versa), followed
    by an all ones and then an all zeros sweep etc. 
    Each sweep iteration increases the difficulty in recovery of latent
    information, to the point where the data is effectively unrecoverable
    without the help of a tunneling microscope or whatever. 
    If the aim is that a hard disk should be reusable, degaussing can often
    render the disk unusable as the read/write heads get messed up, however, for
    zip disks or other media without integrated r/w heads, I presume they can be
    reused after this.
    As to the destruction of media- there are a number of labs which now provide
    "splicing" services where data can be recovered from disk fragments, so even
    media to be destroyed should be erased first.
    BTW, there's a gotcha in this area in terms of policy.. most computer
    maintenance companies take away replaced hard disks in the case of
    irreparable damage. Many companies provide for this in their maintenance
    agreements with vendors by stipulating on-site destruction of replaced
    media, and any policy should state provision in this area.
    John Curran					Ph: +353-(0)1-6099905
    Systems Architecture and Technology Group (SATG)	Fax:
    Cognotec Limited, 					GSM:
    2-4 Ely Place,
    Dublin 2.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Darren Welch [mailto:WELCHDat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 4:45 PM
    To: forensicsat_private
    Subject: wipe utilities
    I am looking to draft a corporate policy requiring all hard drives to be
    wiped before being decommissioned, sold, donated, etc.
     The wipe utility must be able to make numerous (up to seven) uninterrupted
    passes and support a wide array of file systems (fat, ntfs, etc). 
    Also, the software must support the ability to assign a particular hex
    character as the wipe character.
    Could anyone recommend some products? I currently use wiper for my forensic
    investigations and am very happy with that but I want to provide our IT
    group with several other acceptable options.
    Thanks, D
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