RE: Where is the data written?

From: Jeff Smith (JSmithat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 11:48:56 PDT

  • Next message: Richard Ingram: "RE: Putting a signature on logs"

    I could be of but I am sure the outter track contains the same number of
    sectors.  The advantage of writing to the outter portion of the hard drive
    is that the surface for each bit is greater.  Becasue the surface area is
    greater it is less likely to get scrambled.
    Jeff Smith
    Sevem Gems Enterprises
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jonathan A. Zdziarski [mailto:jonzat_private]
    Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 7:48 PM
    To: aussieat_private; forensics listserv; cfidat_private
    Subject: RE: Where is the data written?
    While much of a disk's behavior (interleave, etc) is operating system
    specific, the outermost track is where sector 0 resides, and the innermost
    track is where the disk ends.  The reason for this is because there are more
    sectors on the outer track, so reads will be faster at the outer track
    (since hard drives are fixed-speed and not variable-speed like CDROMs).
    I'm not entirely sure if there are any major differences between IDE and
    SCSI layouts, but I wouldn't think so.  Same technology inside.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dave Ausdenmoore [mailto:aussieat_private]
    Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 3:11 PM
    To: forensics listserv; cfidat_private
    Subject: Where is the data written?
    Not directly related to these lists, or forensics per se, but a curious
    trivia type question from a class I'm assisting with a FLETC, and I don't
    have the answer -
    When data is written to a media, does the storage start at the outside of
    the platter and work it's way in, or start at the innermost area of the
    media and work it's way out?  Is there a reference floppys and HDD's? SCSI
    vs. IDE? Or is it based on manufactuer's perference?
    Dave Ausdenmoore          |
    1000 Sycamore St. Rm 110  |          "The future Masters of Technology
    Cincinnati, Oh 45202      |                  will have to be
    513.946.6688(office)      |             lighthearted and intelligent.
    513.470.0986(cellular)    |              The Machine easily masters
    513.269.1336(pager)       |                the grim and the dumb."
    daussieat_private (personal)|             -- Marshall McLuhan, 1969
    aussieat_private (business)
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