RE: Putting a signature on logs

From: Richard Ingram (ringramat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 09:23:32 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Arnold: "Re: Putting a signature on logs"

    Why not just use MD5sum and note the hash down somewhere like a notepad.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: dgdat_private [mailto:dgdat_private]On Behalf Of David
    Sent: 19 July 2001 19:57
    To: Forensics List
    Subject: Putting a signature on logs
    I've gone to using syslog-ng to keeping logs separated out, and to
    preserve logs for a long time for record purposes.
    Now it occurs to me that someone could say, "Gee, how do we know that
    these logs haven't been altered?"
    What about a digital signature for each log?  How would you go about
    this?  I was thinking of using gpg (GNU Privacy Guard) but haven't
    gotten far enough to know how - and my reference book is the PGP book
    from O'Reilly and Associates.
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