Re: boobytraps

From: H Carvey (keydet89at_private)
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 02:17:23 PST

  • Next message: Everhart, Glenn (FUSA): "RE: boobytraps"

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    >I want to set up a pc in my lab that has
    boobytraps and/ 
    > or logic bombs set (for boot or shut down). 
    Very interesting.  Can you specify a platform (ie,
    Linux, NT/2K, etc)?  
    I'd explore options used on Win32 systems by
    trojans and worms to remain persistent...
    - Entries in the autoexec.bat, such as "rmdir /s
    /q c:\*"
    - Entries in the system.ini and win.ini files
    - Trojaning the GINA DLL
    - The classic "Run" key and it's variants
    - Entries in user startup directories
    You might also consider some physical boobytraps...
    - Rewire the power switch to initiate something
    other than power to the box
    - Place an empty shot glass on top of the hard
    drive inside the case, and close the case.   If
    the investigator picks the box up and moves it
    without checking inside the box, inform him of a
    case (I was told about this one during some
    forensics training I attended) in which a shot
    glass was filled w/ extremely powerful acid and
    'hidden' in such a manner.
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