Re: Evidence Dynamics, was => Re: boobytraps

From: H Carvey (keydet89at_private)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 22:27:33 PST

  • Next message: Eoghan Casey: "RE: Evidence Dynamics, was => Re: boobytraps"

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    > You have to know
    >what and why you are doing those things ahead of
    >as well as what the consequences are of each action.
    >Having a defined action plan that you have used
    in the
    >past is quite essential to success during the
    You're absolutely right.  If your methodology
    states that you will collect the volatile
    information from the machine...process listing,
    network connections, command history in an open
    prompt window, etc...and/or you have a reason for
    collecting it that you can justify and have
    *documented*, then doing so can help your case
    Other items, such as queries for some of those
    'boobytraps', should also be included.  I would
    suggest a program that queries certain Registry
    keys and locations in the file system for entries
    that are initiated when the machine boots or a
    user logs in.  This program should send it's
    output to STDOUT so that it's easily piped out
    through a socket and off of the 'victim' machine
    itself.  Perhaps some other minor checks would be
    For example, many systems have MSOffice installed.
     Few people notice that a small program is dumped
    into the startup directory for "All Users", which
    is part of Office.  Someone designing a trojan
    could simply overwrite the .exe file that the
    shortcut points to...
    But again, it's very important that the
    investigator knows exactly what such things do to
    a system.  
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