Testing freeware ADS detection programs

From: H C (keydet89at_private)
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 09:02:14 PST

  • Next message: Jeimy Jose Cano Martinez: "Recent Computer Forensic Books"

    Tools examined
    streams.exe from SysInternals
    sfind.exe from FoundStone
    CrucialADS from CrucialSecurity
    lads.exe from HeySoft.de (Frank Heyne)
    Note:  All tools were downloaded from the author's web
    sites on 5, 6, and 7 Dec, 2001.
    Testing platform is Win2K.
    Create a directory called 'c:\ads'.  Create several
    ADSs within the directory, attached to both the
    directory listing as well as files.  Do so using the
    'type' command.  Also, add an ADS to a file using
    Explorer...select the file, right-click on it, select
    Properties, and then Summary.  Fill in arbitrary info,
    and save.
    All tools are located in c:\tools.  
    I started by running the command:
    c:\tools>lads c:\ads
    The result was:
    Scanning directory c:\ads\
          size  ADS in file
    ----------  ---------------------------------
         50960  c:\ads\:np.exe
         50960  c:\ads\:np3.exe
           120  c:\ads\myfile.txt:?SummaryInformation
            28  c:\ads\myfile.txt:hidden.txt
         34064  c:\ads\myfile.txt:sol.exe
         50960  c:\ads\myfile2.txt:np.exe
        187092 bytes found in 7 alternate data streams
    The results of lads.exe show exactly what I've put in
    the test directory.  I have 2 copies of Notepad.exe
    associated with the directory listing, a copy of
    Solitaire associated with a file, and various and
    other sundry ADSs.  The two odd ADSs are a result of
    saving Summary information for myfile.txt via Windows
    Next, I ran sfind.exe from FoundStone's
    C:\tools>sfind c:\ads
    The results are as follows:
      myfile2.txt:np.exe Size: 50960
    That's odd.  So then I checked the syntax:
    C:\tools>sfind /?
    Seek and Destroy - Information Warfare
    SFind v1.2.2 - Copyright(c) 1998, Foundstone, Inc.
    Alternate Data Stream Finder
    Programming by JD Glaser - All Rights Reserved
            Usage - sfind [path] /ns
            [dirpath]       Directory to search - none
    equals current
            -ns             Skip sub-directories
            - or /          Either switch statement can be
            -?              Help
    Zechariah 12:9 - "I will seek to destroy all nations
    who oppose Jerusalem"
    See http://www.foundstone.com for updates/fixes
    Okay.  So then I tried moving up a directory and
    C:\tools>sfind c:\
    At this point, sfind.exe began checking the entire
    hard drive.  While it did find some ADSs I'd put into
    another directory for a different test, it never
    reported finding the ADSs in c:\ads.  Also, sfind.exe
    seemed to be stuck in a loop...it reported finding the
    ADSs in the other directory 3 times, and continued
    searching the same directories and files over and over
    again...I stopped the program with Ctrl-C after the
    third sweep.
    I followed that with one more test:
    C:\tools>sfind c:\ads\*
    Ah...it didn't find the ADSs.  On to the next
    tool...streams.exe from SysInternals:
    C:\tools>streams c:\ads
    This resulted in:
    Streams v1.3 - Enumerate alternate NTFS data streams
    Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Mark Russinovich
    Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
              :np.exe:$DATA 50960
             :np3.exe:$DATA 50960
    Okay, let's try another command:
    C:\tools>streams c:\ads\*
    This one resulted in:
    Streams v1.3 - Enumerate alternate NTFS data streams
    Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Mark Russinovich
    Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
       :?SummaryInformation:$DATA   120
          :hidden.txt:$DATA 28
             :sol.exe:$DATA 34064
              :np.exe:$DATA 50960
    Okay, so there are the ADSs associated with the file. 
    For the syntax of the command, you have to go to
    and you'll see: 
    Usage: streams [-s] <file or directory>
    -s         Recurse subdirectories.
    Streams takes wildcards e.g. 'streams *.txt'.
    Finally, the last tool is CrucialADS.  This tool is
    GUI based, and when it opens, your only choices are a
    drop-down box of available NTFS drives.  The tool
    scanned quickly, and reported the ADSs it found (and
    it found all of them) in red text.
    lads.exe is by far the best tool available.  B/c it's
    a CLI tool, it can be easily scripted, and the output
    can be piped across a socket (netcat) during a 'live'
    forensics investigation.  While CrucialADS found the
    ADSs with as little user interaction as lads.exe, it's
    not nearly as flexible as lads.exe.
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