Executing data (binaries) in ADSs

From: H C (keydet89at_private)
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 10:35:07 PST

  • Next message: H C: "Testing freeware ADS detection programs"

    After receiving several emails requesting this
    information, I decided to make one post to the list on
    the subject of executing data hidden in ADSs.  I say
    'data', b/c binaries aren't the only things that can
    be hidden in and run from ADSs.  
    Throughout this post, I'm going to include
    step-by-step examples specific to either NTFS4 or 5. 
    I will also reference exactly where I first found the
    information published.
    To begin with, here's the first article I published on
    the subject:
    As pointed out in the above article, the authors of
    "Hacking Exposed" published the fact that the 'start'
    command can be used to run arbitrary executables
    hidden in ADSs.  I found that the Perl interpreter
    makes no distinction between one file or another when
    it's passed a file name...it will run a script
    'hidden' in an ADS as easily as it will a regular
    Later editions of "Hacking Exposed", as well as
    "Hacking Windows 2000 Exposed" make no mention of how
    to execute data hidden ADSs on NTFS5 (ie, Win2K). 
    However, Gene Kaspersky and Denis Zenkin published 5
    methods in their Windows2000 Magazine article:
    The examples I will use from this point on include
    only the use of a .exe file...the above article
    includes test results for a .vbs file, as well as .cmd
    (batch) file.
    Set up by creating a directory (c:\ads) on your drive,
    and then create your first ADS:
    c:\ads>type c:\winnt\system32\sol.exe >
    1.  Select Start, Run, and then type the following
    command into the Run box:
    Note to forensics investigators:  The use of this
    method appears in the
    key for the user...so check the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
    hive, as well as HKEY_USERS\{SID}.
    Also, if you've got Process Tracking enabled on Win2K
    (testing done on Pro), the event that shows up in the
    Security EventLog for the above command includes: 
    Image File Name:   \ads\myfile.txt 
    2.  Method 2 from the Kaspersky article only works for
    .vbs files...using wscript.exe to launch the script.
    3.  Methods 3 & 4 from the above article involve
    creating a shortcut pointed to the ADS we created
    during setup.  As indicated, this works for shortcuts
    on the Desktop, as well as in StartUp directories. 
    Oddly enough, the icon associated with the shortcut
    becomes that which is associated with the file in the
    ADS, rather than the file in the unnamed stream.
    4. The final method, and the one that I found most
    interesting, is the use of the 'Run' key in the
    Registry.  Simply create a new value, and have the
    data point to the file.  
    5.  Finally, my personal favorite...Perl!  The
    following file runs the ADS:
    #! c:\perl\bin\perl.exe
    # file name: adsfun.pl
    use strict;
    my $filename = 'c:\ads\myfile.txt:sol.exe';
    my $results = system($filename);
    Simply run the above file by typing the command:
    Now, try this:
    Type the following command:
    c:\perl>type adsfun.pl > myfile.txt:adsfun.pl
    Then run the file by typing:
    c:\perl>perl myfile.txt:adsfun.pl
    The two best tools for detecting ADSs are 'lads.exe'
    from Frank Heyne, and the script 'ads.pl' from my Perl
    page.  The Perl script can be easily compiled.  I can
    publish a complete break down of available freeware
    ADS tools, but will only do so if there is an
    Also, keep in mind...ADS do NOT have to be attached to
    a file.  You can create an ADS 'hidden' behind a
    directory listing like so:
    c:\ads>type c:\winnt\notepad.exe > :np.exe
    Now, keep in mind...this is a 'feature' of NTFS
    provided by Microsoft...yet MS doesn't provide any
    tools to detect the presence of ADSs.  But did you
    know that MS *does* provide the means to create
    specific ADSs associated w/ specific files?  Open
    Windows Explorer and choose an arbitrary file. 
    Right-click the file and choose Properties, then the
    Summary tab.  Type some data into the fields.  What
    happens to this data?  Well, Explorer puts it into
    ADSs tied to the file called  ":?SummaryInformation"
    and ":?DocumentSummaryInformation".  The symbol right
    after the colon is an unprintable ASCII character.
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