Re: data recovery

From: Kurt Seifried (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 14 2001 - 10:49:49 PST

  • Next message: Seth Arnold: "Re: data recovery"

    This is all somewhat useless without knowing what your actual security
    threats/concerns are. File encryption with key escrow/recovery (PGP/EFS both
    support this) works, unless the user creates and starts using  a new key.
    BIOS passwords are a pain in the ass (and can be circumvented), keeping
    track of them/etc, I don't even bother with them anymore. Of course an
    attacker may load a key sniffer to recover key passwords and passphrases,
    like I said, without more details I can only really guess.
    Kurt Seifried, kurtat_private
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