RE: Hard drive write blocking in Windows

From: daniel heinonen (d.heinonenat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 02:19:00 PST

  • Next message: "RE: 'touch' on Win32"

    At 09:11 PM 09/01/02 -0600, you wrote:
    >>"EnCase presents several options to non-invasive acquire hard drives, 
    >>many of which are unique to the field of computer forensics"  [1]
    That was on page 57 I should have re-read the chapter before i posted.  P55 
    states "EnCase acquires hard drives in either a DOS environment, or in a 
    Windows environment where a specially designed hardware write-blocking 
    device is utilize.
    >Please name ONE that is "unique to the field of computer forensics"
    "For instance, EnCase is currently the only product that enables forensic 
    acquisitions in a Windows environment" was the next line in the book.  Also 
    the ability to handle software raid.
    Mind you I have heard of LE using samba and BSD in the past to examine.
    I will stop positing in my sleep and re-read my books.  Btw the below book 
    is the most practical book on the topic I have read.  Whoever asked about 
    articles written about UNIX and forensics should have a glance at this book 
    FYI, I am changing email address for a few reasons.  Hence I will be 
    changing my status from random poster to lurker.
    Many regards,
    [1] Casey, H. 2001, "Handbook of computer crime investigation - Forensic 
    tools and technology" Academic Press
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