ls and stat segfault on loopback mounted image

From: Brian Coyle (brianat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 19:20:53 PST

  • Next message: Valdis.Kletnieksat_private: "Re: ls and stat segfault on loopback mounted image"

    Hash: SHA1
    During last year's HoneyNet Forensic Challenge, I came across an oddity
    that I'd forgotten about until just recently...
    Copies of the subject disk images were mounted (ro,loop,nodev,noexec) such 
    that the original filesystem structure was maintained.
    $CRACKED_BOX/home/ftp appears to be a chroot jail (can you confirm Lance?) 
    containing bin, etc, lib and pub directories.  Navigating into bin, etc and 
    pub followed by an `ls -l` each works fine.
    However, in lib, `ls -l` and `stat *` both fail with a segfault.  Omitting
    the -l option for ls does list the files.  debugfs (ls -l) has no problem 
    with the directory.
    This behavior struck me as odd, but I was at a loss to explain it.  I haven't
    attempted to recreate this (as mentioned, I'd forgotten about it :) but 
    I was wondering:
    Has anyone seen this before?   Any idea on the cause and how to work around
    			-- Brian
    - -- 
    "We choose to go to the moon, and do the other things...
     Not because they are easy, but because they are hard." -JFK
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