RE: Encase and data recovery

From: Young, Brandon (Brandon.Youngat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 12:37:50 PST

  • Next message: Collins, Steve: "Re: Encase and data recovery"

    Actually what we did was a keyword search for specific strings that i knew where in the original logs. The only hits
    that were found were remnents in the pagefile.sys. But the problem is in that a real scenario how would we have known to
    look for those key words? There are alot of variables in that scenario. Additionally, were only able to recover a few of
    the commands from the page file so that gave us only an idea of had happened. The log files I can see being over written
    to the same space on the disk which is an interesting fact, but what I can't figure out is why all of the tools weren't
    able to be recovered since AFAIK there wasn't anything written to that particular portion of the disk. When we did the
    searches for the tools, I actually did a keyword search for all of the tools and files I created in the directory tree
    and came up with nothing. I guess another question that arises is, is this a result of NTFS since the option to recover
    folders is not availble within Encase as is the case with FAT. I need to do more resaerch into why this is. I know it is
    briefly mentioned in the encase documentation but I haven't researched it further.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Eoghan Casey [mailto:eoghan.caseyat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 1:07 PM
    To: Young, Brandon
    Subject: Re: Encase and data recovery
    How did you search for the deleted logs? Did you rely on the file system
    view or did you search the entire disk for log fragments? Is there a
    chance that you missed fragments or did you search for unique
    characteristics? Similarly, did you search the entire disk for the
    deleted tools or were you relying on the file system view?
    Eoghan Casey
    Information Security Office
    Yale University
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