Re: Capturing and Reconstructing Image files using NAI Sniffer (or ot her Network Packet Analysis Products)

From: Anton A. Chuvakin (antonat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 07:31:30 PDT

  • Next message: Dragos Ruiu: "Re: DD -> Netcat NT Imaging"

    >Has anyone attempted to re-construct image files from raw network packets
    >provided by NAI's Sniffer Basic/Pro (or other types of network packet
    We use snort (main capture facility) and tcpdump (backup) in our honeypot
    to recover attacker's files from captured traffic.
    The procedure is as follows:
    0. set the program above to record all traffic (e.g. 'tcpdump -s 1600 -w
    all.log'). I am pretty sure NAI sniffer can do it as well.
    1. get a binary dump to your analysis machine
    2. get 'tcpflow' program
    3. run it - all individual connections are saved into separate files
    4. run a 'file' on the above files to id file types you want to recover.
    5. if download was done over HTTP, manual header removal is needed as
    well. FTP downloads are saved as the right files by defauls, just rename
    and open them.
    steps 2)-4) can also be done by ethereal ("Follow TCP stream"
    Let me know if you need more on that.
         Anton A. Chuvakin, Ph.D.
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