Incident Response and Digital Forensics Resource List update

From: Matthew.Brownat_private
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 17:39:34 PDT

  • Next message: Razvan Teslaru: "Data recovery: DIY Scanning tunneling microscope"

            First, I'd like to thank everyone for all the suggestions, ideas, 
    and corrections that contributed to this list.  After distributing it to 
    forensicsat_private, I received several offers to host the HTML 
    file on a variety of web sites.  I finally found a home for it so we don't 
    have to carry around an out of date version.  Feel free to contribute to 
    the list, this will give us all a comprehensive sharepoint for resources 
    discovered during our correspondence.
            Please notice that Predictive is just hosting it for us. I'm using 
    a separate email address to moderate, mbrownat_private
            I'll forward this link to anyone asking general questions about 
    resources and will attempt to keep it up to date and add new resources as 
    Matthew Brown, CISSP, SSCP
    Principal Security Consultant
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see:

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Jun 14 2002 - 17:27:46 PDT