RE: Audit Logs as submissible evidence.

From: Hudson, Ed (ISS San Francisco) (Ed.hudsonat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 18:52:06 PDT

  • Next message: "RE: Imaging a "live" system"

    In California, (and this may be true in others as well) If you can show
    credible testimony that origin of the logs stems from an automated process
    you have a large part of the battle.  This is true from many methods of
    obtaining digital forensic evidence like imaging, searching etc. Then you
    only have to provide testimony as to chain of custody an origin.  IE, we
    brought in the sys admin who testified as to how the logs originated, I
    testified as to how the logs were then taken from the machine, and then the
    format I had them in, (CD, another drive whatever)and that they were
    unchanged (MD5 hashes) from the time they were obtained. It helps get over
    the Daubert standard for admissibility. Can someone attack this, of course.
    It all boils down to the witness's credibility, and as Jonathan said,
    correlating and authenticating what you have.  I have tried to never hang my
    hat on one nail doing forensics.
    Ed Hudson 
    District Services Manager
    X-Force Professional Security Services
    Internet Security Systems (ISS) 
    San Francisco CA 
    Office: (707) 836-9740
    Cell:   (707) 799-3250
    Fax:    (707) 581-1886 
    E-Mail: ed.hudsonat_private 
    Internet Security Systems-- "The Power to Protect"
    Declare an Emergency 1-888-546-2407
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jonathan A. Zdziarski [mailto:jonathanat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 6:22 PM
    To: mstevensonat_private; forensicsat_private
    Subject: RE: Audit Logs as submissible evidence. 
    It all comes down to the credibility/reliability of the data and the
    authentication of that data.  Evidence such as tape recordings and
    server logs must be authenticated to be admitted into court, and the
    authentication always turns out to be your burden.  If the data is
    credible enough, the judge may allow it but if there is doubt, it will
    most likely be argued as hearsay (The logs told me this...the sysadmin
    told me that...)
    The best defense would be to do everything you can to authenticate the
    data.  MD5 checksums, private encrypted network channels, token
    authentication, and of course remote logging are all very supportive,
    but ultimately someone has to be able to get up and testify that the
    data is original and valid.  Trace the reliability of the data back
    through the network and finally get some expert security specialists to
    testify that the data couldn't possibly be corrupted.  Most importantly
    keep it simple.  You've seen how confused judges get when us geeks start
    talking technical.  Explaining in simple terms from reliable witnesses
    who can vouch for the data is probably the only thing that will disarm a
    confusopoly [Dilbert] that the other side will try and explode.
    One important thing that I've been told has played a big role in
    evidence gathering during my time doing forensics is correlation.  In
    one instance, we had the logs from some of our local machines, but it
    was backed up by the logs of another system that was compromised a few
    thousand miles away.  Correlating the IP addresses and timestamps back
    to the originating network (and ultimately back to the user) and getting
    at least two or three of the networks to authenticate the information is
    very effective in proving reliability of the data.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: mstevensonat_private [mailto:mstevensonat_private] 
    Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 11:15 AM
    To: forensicsat_private
    Subject: Audit Logs as submissible evidence. 
    Hash: SHA1
    	There have been a lot of posts about imaging compromised systems
    and using that as forensic evidence, but it seems to me that this
    approach gives a lot of clues about the what, but not the who.  Most of
    the clues that you would need to find the what, when, who and how are in
    the audit logs (assuming the administrator turns 
    logging on).  If the audit logs could be handled in such a way that it
    could be proved that they are telling the truth, then it seems to me
    that they would yield enough evidence for legal action.  Has anyone had
    any experience with using audit logs as forensic evidence?  What should
    an administrator do to ensure the logs he keeps can be used in case
    legal action is required?  Obviously you can not trust logs residing on
    the compromised system, but what can you trust?  A seperate log server
    using MD5 checksums? What about the things an administrator may do to
    better handle the sheer mass of audit logs? 
    If he parses raw logs and imports them into a database for better
    analysis, does that taint the evidence to where it couldn't be used? 
    What about syslog? Does syslog "taint" the evidence of raw audit logs?
    If raw kernel generated audit logs are the only things submissible as
    forensic evidence, how do you obtain them and keep
    them "clean"?   
    - -Miles
    Version: PGP 7.0.4
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