Re: Imaging a "live" system

From: Raymond M. Reskusich (reskusicat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 08:51:08 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Arnold: "Re: Imaging a "live" system"

    On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 11:54:48AM -0700, Kohlenberg, Toby wrote:
    > I have to say I'm surprised the path this discussion has taken- the
    > real issue I have run into is not the need to not bring systems down
    > or get a freeze of a live system- that isn't too hard to handle in one
    > way or another. The problem I have yet to hear a decent solution for is
    > how to get a dump of what is in memory off a running system when you
    > don't necessarily have root control over the system. 
    I'm not saying this is impossible, because there are all sorts of
    situations that would make this possible.  But all of these situations
    are bad from a system administrator point of view.  If non-root users
    can get a memory dump of the system, then there is a pretty serious
    security hole that would let them root the system fairly easily given
    enough patience and knowledge.  
    I realize this isn't too helpful.  There are time when during a crisis
    where it doesn't matter whether or not a capability you need is a good
    idea.  But getting a memory dump off a well-run system you don't have
    root on == hacking the system.  My advice, enlist the aid of whoever
    has root.  If you can't, your options are few, and may not end up of
    much better quality that pulling the power cord and hoping the pages
    on memory you're interested in are in the swap file.  If this were a
    serious last ditch option, you could improve your chances by starting
    some nice artificial memory+cpu hog processes just before doing it to
    force a lot of swap-outs.  Or you could hope that the sysadmin isn't
    doing his job well and hack the system.
    Raymond M. Reskusich

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