Re: TCT / tctutils for HP-UX 11.00 + some insight into unrm'ing large files

From: Wietse Venema (wietseat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 04 2002 - 06:11:05 PDT

  • Next message: John Howie: "RE: Announcement: Microsoft Windows XP Hash Set - File State Changes after Rebooting - XP Net, XP Home, XP Pro"

    HP's version of FFS is not plain FFS. Without access to HP-UX
    internals, it's hard to say what the file system intends to do.
    You need to be aware that the file system allocates one indirect
    data block every 16 Mbytes or so (or whatever the number of block
    addresses in an indirect block).  This could cause additional
    "jumps" in the file allocation.
    Regarding the small-file limit: when I did some measurements with
    smaller files on 4.4BSD I found that the file system behaved as
    expected: 12 direct data blocks, one indirect block with data block
    addresses, a contiguous run of data blocks, one doubly-indirect
    block, one indirect block, another contiguous run of data blocks,
    and so on.
    Knut Eckstein:
    > Like with 10.20, I tested unrm on 11.00 on a file > 2GB. While waiting
    > almost three hours during the unrm run, I thought I should analyze the
    That is incredibly slow. unrm runs at the same speed as dd.
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