Need to rootkit a machine

From: Mark Morrissey (markemat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 08:39:20 PDT

  • Next message: Christian Schaller: "Windows NT: information about printed documents"

    I am teaching a class in computer forensics this fall term and want to
    give an assignment for students to investigate a machine that has been
    compromised. I would like the machine to have been compromised by me using
    a rootkit that includes at least some source. I have an image of a system
    that was compromised with t0rn, but the images are all too large to be
    easily used.
    My plan is to build a linux system using very small (about 200 MB) disks.
    The idea is then to rootkit this machine from another box. I'll put them
    on a private network so that I can be sure it was me who did the
    compromising. I'll then make the hard drives available on a different
    machine (unmounted) and let the students begin with imaging drives and go
    all the way through report writing.
    Does anyone know of a rootkit that has at least some source that would be
    good for this. I can build the machine from any version linux 6.0 or
    above. The reason for the source code is that I intend to shut down the
    compromised machine after deleting the source tree so that there is source
    code as well as binaries in the deleted space.
    Of course, I could be slightly insane, but that's another issue...
    Mark Morrissey			markemat_private
    Lecturer in Computer Science
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