TASK 1.52 & Autopsy 1.62

From: Brian Carrier (carrierat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 08:13:30 PDT

  • Next message: Alaric Darconville: "Re: Was the HD formatted? (under Win95)"

    TASK 1.52 and Autopsy 1.62 are now available.
    What is New?
    - Autopsy has new features that make the Honeynet Scan of the Month
       a little easier:
       - Extract or view any number of consecutive data units (fragments,
         sectors, clusters etc.).
       - The file type (output from 'file') is shown when viewing a data
    - Autopsy has a bug fix that caused problems when key word searching
       a large file (thanks to Michael Stone)
    - TASK has a beta version of a new tool: 'sorter'.
       - It runs 'file' on every file in the system and sorts them based
         on type.  It either just writes the name to a file or will
         save the file.
       - It also does extension checking to verify the type corresponds
         the extension.
    Where do I get them?
    MD5 (task-1.52.tar.gz) = 475af26bad7492d61490a69ad7f2472e
    MD5 (autopsy-1.62.tar.gz) = 84f8618c84c1c48db0a1d4591ed22b06
    What happened to TASK 1.51 and Autopsy 1.61?
    To reduce the amount of unwanted email for non-TASK and non-Autopsy  
    users, new versions are only being announced on the sourceforge and 
    tct-users lists.  So, the previous version was not announced on this 
    list.  An exception was made for this release because Autopsy adds 
    features that will assist in the Honeynet Scan of the Month and this 
    list has had discussions about  investigating the image with TASK.
    What Are They?
    The @stake Sleuth Kit (TASK) is a collection of open source forensic
    analysis tools for the analysis of Windows and UNIX file systems.
    Autopsy is an HTML-based graphical interface to the command line
    tools of TASK.
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see: http://aris.securityfocus.com

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Thu Oct 10 2002 - 09:55:30 PDT