Dealing with RAID and SCA Drives

From: Dave Ryan (daveat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 05 2002 - 04:54:08 PST

  • Next message: Devdas Bhagat: "Re: Remote Syslogd"

    Pretty new to the forensic scene, but here it goes:
    I'm having problems with SCA disks and RAID. When mounting the disk in
    an SCA slot on one of my servers, I then attempt to access the device
    (located at sdb* - dmesg is recognising it). Because I can't access this
    device, I cannot image it.
    On running fdisk -l i receive the error message:
        No Valid Partition Table Found
    This is a fujitsu drive, in a dell Poweredge 1550 (my temporary forensic
    system). I am using the SCA bays and not connecting it to a normal SCSI
    3 card (although I do have one and have purchased SCA->SCSI convertors,
    but have been unsuccessful in getting those to work - single drive off
    the cable, no daisy chain issue).
    Am I correct in assuming this is due to it being part of the mirror and
    freebsd is not finding the partition type sector where it would assume
    to find it? (or am I totally wrong).
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around this? Or can
    someone point out where I am going wrong. Also if anyone has any
    suggestions on the SCA->SCSI convertor issue (I've read it is
    unsupported, do I need a single connector SCSI cable?). Any references
    people have on dealing with RAID situations would be greatly
    Thanks in advance,
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