RE: Remote Syslogd

From: Onsite West Houston (onsiteat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 08 2002 - 16:38:36 PST

  • Next message: Gino Pietro Guidi: "RE: Remote Syslogd"

    	What about placing the tail -f command inside a while true loop,
    	while true
    		tail -f <filename>
    	then, add this script to /etc/inittab (or equivalent, depending on
    	marking it to respawn.
    	If the tail process fails, the while loop will auto-restart it.
    	If the while loop process fails, /etc/inittab will respawn it.
    Lawrence Garvin
    Onsite West Houston
    ICQ#: 38440195
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ben Boulanger [mailto:benat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 1:21 PM
    To: John Fitzgerald
    Cc: forensicsat_private
    Subject: RE: Remote Syslogd
    On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, John Fitzgerald wrote:
    > ...seeing you mention logtail I guess you could use tail -f from a
    > process outside the chrooted area (i.e a process that even a compromised
    > syslogd can't touch) and pipe that through to a secured area on the
    > system.
    You certainly could.  The only thing that tail doesn't provide is some way 
    of recovering if the process dies, gets killed, or otherwise gets 
    interrupted.  Logtail keeps track of where it left off, which is really 
    the only reason to -not- use tail.  Otherwise, if you have a way of 
    protecting against such things, tail -f, a named pipe or even a socket 
    would do the trick.
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