Re: MD5 Exploit Database?

From: forensicsat_private
Date: Sun Jan 19 2003 - 19:51:13 PST

  • Next message: Merino, Inigo (ISP): "RE: MD5 Exploit Database?"

    Hi Mark,
    > I'm working on a server that has been "owned" for over a year.  Needless to
    > say, there are a significant number of what I would call "questionable"
    > files on the box.  Some of them I can quickly identify, albeit not
    > authoritatively at this point, (e.g. httpodbc.dll), but others I cannot.
    > If I MD5 the collection of questionable files, is there a database I can
    > cross-reference my MD5's against to authoritatively identify what these
    > things are?  I understand I may end up with some unknowns depending on how
    > the executables were compressed and/or wrapped.
    While I'm not too sure about a source for Windows hashes,
    is a great place for known good hashes of FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.
    Maybe if enough people ask them to, they'll add Windows hashes in the future.
    --- Jamie Gillespie, CISSP ---
    Australian Computer Emergency Response Team | Hotline: +61 7 3365 4417
    (AusCERT)                                   | Fax:     +61 7 3365 7031
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    Qld 4072 Australia                          | Email:   auscertat_private
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