Re: Identifying Win2K/XP Encrypted Files

From: Craig Earnshaw (Craig.Earnshawat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 06:10:51 PST

  • Next message: Glenn_Everhartat_private: "RE: Identifying Win2K/XP Encrypted Files"

      As a general rule of thumb, as long as it's not a *nix box, or an NT 
    or Win2K server, you're usually fine to pull the plug (emphasis on the 
    "usually" - if you do it and all goes wrong don't blame me!!!)
    Craig G Earnshaw
    Head of Forensic Computing Services
    Lee & Allen Consulting Ltd
    London - New York - Hong Kong
    >>I would actually suggest a different method.  If you are tasked to seize
    >>a machine you should do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with it, apart from pulling
    >>the plug out of the wall if it's up and running.  Any actions that you
    >>perform on the machine could potentially destroy evidence and
    >>subsequently be used to suggest that you have tampered with the evidence.
    >Has anyone found that this has a detrimental effect on the filesystem ?
    >Obviously it's better than shutting the box down as something may be
    >watching for that I know, just curious if the suituation has occured that
    >the filesystem was damaged to the extent that the forensics analysis was
    >hindered ?
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