a message from the moderator

From: Scott C. Zimmerman (sczat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 02 2003 - 09:29:11 PST

  • Next message: Barry Irwin: "Re: MD5 Exploit Database?"

    Hi all,
    Two quick items:
    1)  I will be on the road for a few days, and will resume moderating
    duties Wednesday morning.
    2)  When responding to the list, please trim all extraneous included
    material from previous messages.  This has become more of an issue 
    lately:  some messages include several posts in their entirety, 
    resulting in multiple pages of included text with a one or two
    paragraph response.  Please remember your netiquette, and include
    only what is needed.
    Scott C. Zimmerman, CISSP
    Research Associate, CERT Analysis Center
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see: http://aris.securityfocus.com

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun Feb 02 2003 - 11:39:02 PST