Re: The "unplug the cord" dilemma

From: pspielmannat_private
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 02:08:11 PST

  • Next message: Sabol, Paul: "Linux, dd, and image file"

    De Velopment wrote:
    > Hello Omar,
    > On 27 Mar 2003, Omar Herrera wrote:
    >>I was looking for documentation available discussing circumstances where
    >>each of the following approaches is better:
    >>   a) leave the system online/plugged to the network -> online
    >>   b) unplug the system from network and shutdown -> offline forensics
    >>   c) unplug the system from network and unplug from power source ->
    >>offline forensics
    > I would like to suggest a fourth option:  Unplugging the Ethernet cable
    > from the system itself, but leaving it on, at least for a bit.  This is,
    > of course, safer than option a) above, since it will put an immediate
    I would even suggest some other models to save the most possible 
    If it is a system critical machine unplug the network cable, otherwise 
    just sniff all traffic to this IP (or paranoid MAC-address) for a while. 
    Copy all volatile information (network state, routing infos, process 
    listings, open files, etc) using statically compiled trusted binaries 
    from a CD-Rom to a remote computer (do not log this traffic!) and then 
    switch it off to do all the other fornesics you want to do.
    To do this I suggest to prepare
    1. a cdrom with static compiled forensic binaries
    2. scripts to grabb all volatil information:
        a) as normal user
        b) as root (on Unix) user for all information gathering that needs 
    root privileges
    3. a rescue-system with forensic tools (may be the cd of above)
    4. a lot of time ;-)
    I would also include a portscan (TCP and UDP) to check for differences 
    in the output of netstat and real open ports.
    keep us informed about your paper, I would like to read it!
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